
Dumb Ways to Die…in Video Games.

As is the internet’s want, a great viral video only begets other great viral videos. That incredibly morbid song from Metro Trains Melbourne has been hijacked by the gamer set, to give some solace to anyone who ever drowned in Sonic or ate that goddamn cake. 


The Kohler Moxie Speaker Showerhead

Listen, we’ve all been caught belting out some Whitney in the shower, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Instead of hiding your bathroom concerts, bolster them with the Kohler Moxie Speaker Showerhead. The full-sized, bluetooth-powered speaker is rechargeable on any bathroom power source and since it’s controlled wirelessly you won’t have to add, “electrocuted by iPhone in shower,” to that song about dumb ways to die. Get yours here.


Metro Trains Melbourne Reminds You Not To Die in A Dumb Way

Death is an extremely, extremely serious topic, so it only makes sense that Metro Trains Melbourne would approach it with all the seriousness that one approaches a celebrity memoir: none at all. Their latest PSA on train safety is so adorable and hypnotic, you kind of forget that it’s about some pretty grissly ways to meet your end. Check it out above, and remember, rattlesnakes don’t make good pets.