
Medicom x Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto Kubrick Sets

Whether you’re a vinyl hound who rarely breaksanything out of the seal, or you’re just trying to school your kids on the realities of the streets, you’ll want to pick up these Medicom Kubric Sets based on three of the major iterations of the GTA franchise. (There’s also a discount) 


What Would GTA Be Like In Real Life? Just as Awesome as it is on XBox!

GTA is incredible, forget what anyone tells you about violence, sex and mayhem eroding society. You know how awesome GTA is? So amazing that this live action version by Gevorg Karensky is so good it makes us want to put down our laptops and go into contract killing full time. Watch it above, and remember not to do any of this at home kids. And if you do, don’t mention this blog.