
Manly Tumblrs: Black Flag T-Shirts on Every Celebrity

We love a good photoshop job, so much that the backstory is rarely relevant. This all might have started with Kirsten Stewart wearing a Black Flag tee in a random paparazzi shot, but we’d rather believe that it started in 1981 with Damaged, because Black Flag are awesome. 



Manly Tumblrs: 99 Problems

Jay-Z is a man of many talents, and a man of fine tastes. That said, it’s not all peaches and Beyonce when you’re at the top. The man famously stated that he had 99 Problems and you know what one of them isn’t. Luckily, this tumblr just popped up and it details Hova’s many many problems in hilarious illustrations. 


Manly Tumblrs: Andy Murray Squeezes Toothpaste

Tennis is a game about extremely thin lines. The line between in and out, a point for or a point lost, a victory or a defeat. There’s also, a very thin line between an awesome “I just drilled an ace through your chest cavity GRAAAGH” face and a completely ridiculous “I know there’s one drop of toothpaste left in here GRAAAGH” face. That line has been crossed in one of the best tumblrs we’ve ever seen. Check it out here.