
Behind the Wheel of the 2014 Wraith

Pushed by 624 horses, the upcoming Rolls Royce Wraith is the most powerful Rolls in history, or so says what might be the first road test video designed exclusively for celebrity chauffeurs.  We can’t imagine anyone who can afford the $300,000 yacht actually getting behind the wheel, but if they did, they’d be accomodated by a voice recognition-enabled GPS system and automatic gear shifting.


Red Bull Racing Presents the Rhythm of the Factory

There’s no shortage of genius that goes into the creation of an F1 racer. You might say it takes a symphony of great minds working in concert to pull the process off. Red Bull took all those metaphors to heart and created this spot called “The Rhythm of The Factory,” because there’s no music like music of a car coming to life.


The Ultimate (And Probably Only) Game of Drift

At some point in the 20th century, basketball players created the game of Horse to test their skills against one another. If you couldn’t match the other player’s shot, you got a letter, until you had spelled “H-O-R-S-E” and you were out. Drift Alliance drivers Ryan Tuerck and Chris Forsberg decided that the only thing Horse was missing was horsepower, and decided to challenge each other to a game of Drift. It’s basically Horse except the loser is 160% more likely to die before they get their fifth letter. Check it out above.


NYC Delorean Taxi by Mike Lubrano

If you’ve ever been to the Big Apple, you know that most of New York City’s cabbies subscribe to Doc Brown’s “where we’re going we don’t need roads,” philosophy on driving, so it makes a lot of sense that artist Mike Lubrano would come up with this flux capacitor-toting yellow beauty. It will probably never hit the streets, but the idea of a taxi that takes you back in time to 10 minutes before the meeting you just showed up 30 minutes late to in your pyjamas and mismatched socks is pretty appealing. More pics here.