
Manly Books: The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook

The writing’s on the wall gentlemen; the end of days is upon us, and if you’re not preparing, you should be. When provisions get low, and you’ve been forced to take a crovel to your loved ones, The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants, Water Bugs, Spiders, Centipedes, and Their Kin, might end up being your best friend.


Manly Books: A History of Weapons

Since the dawn of time, when it comes to getting what you want, hitting someone of the head with something hard has been a great Plan B. Taking that rich history of violence into account, author John O’Bryan created A History of Weapons: Crossbows, Caltrops, Catapults & Lots of Other Things that Can Seriously Mess You Up, a humorous look at the many ways we’ve found to hurt each other. 


Manly Books: Top Gear’s The Cool 500

If Kanye West has taught us anything, it’s that real men just don’t read. If we’re going to be subjected to books, they better have a lot of pictures, and if they have pictures they better be of female flesh or wheels and wing-shaped doors. Top Gear (a TV show, so you know they’re to be trusted) just put out The Cool 500 a countdown of the coolest cars ever made (guess how many spots are on the list), and it’s available now on


Spaniards Invent Book with Disappearing Ink, Because Who Has Time to Read?

We all know real men don’t have time to read. So to give you some incentive, a couple of intelligent Spaniards created ’El Libro Que No Puede Esperar’ (The Book That Can’t Wait). The book comes in an air-tight sealed bag because, the moment you open it, the book begins to react to light and oxygen until, two to four months later, all the words have faded from the pages.

Once the words have completely faded from existence you can use it as a sketchbook, addressbook, notebook or kindling depending on your attitude towards “book-learnin’”

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