
Fader Chronicles the Greatest Kanye West Interviews OF ALL TIME

You have to give it to Kanye West, he might be crazy, but he’s the best kind of crazy you could possibly be. He’s not drooling-in-a-bathrobe-raving-about-alien-life-controlling-the-economy crazy, but more say-exactly-what’s-on-your-mind-win-tons-of-awards-become-one-of-the-twenty-most-famous-people-on-Earth-end-up-in-bed-with-this-woman kind of crazy. There are few arenas better suited for that brand of crazy than the “in-depth” rock star profile, which, in Kanye’s case, has brought us an endless stream of gems that have been carefully catalogued by the team at Fader

Dive deep into the man and the myth here.